I still have Prof Wessely Following me and as far as I can see, he's said nothing so far about publication/content of the guideline.
Thank you, InitialConditions.
ME Association on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/meassociation/posts/4522166264507663...
Is there a copy of the NICE press release that went out yesterday somewhere in this thread? In 2007, a copy of the press release was posted on...
https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng203 https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng9 https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng17...
Has anyone had sight of the full BMJ report?
Yes, I noticed his "Supports free speech." Ah, well. His loss.
That's interesting. Since this afternoon (when I last looked at his account), I've been Blocked on Twitter by Prof Sharpe.
Ah, but it's good enough for Esther.
William the Talking Cat didn't appear to own a watch, either, so I ended up feeding on demand, too.
Yes, Miller and Crawley and Professor Leslie J Findley, among others. https://measussex.org.uk/malmaison-conference-oct-29th-october/ MALMAISON...
It is possible to submit Rapid Responses to the above. I don't currently have access to the rest of the report.
BMJ News https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2643 ME/CFS: Exercise goals should be set by patients and not driven by treatment plan, says NICE...
I missed those. I wonder if those links are static or change every so often?
Would be nice to think so.
Still whinging, then.
Thanks Adam pwme. I think we should have a full copy on the thread:...
I've asked them.
York Press: Health watchdog no longer recommends graded exercise therapy for ME...
Separate names with a comma.