Has @dave30th had his overdue direct FOI fulfilled yet?
I think Pulse has got that wrong (about the guideline having already been released via an FOI). NICE has not resumed fulfilling overdue FOI...
There are still other issues for some people: [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I've just checked Tesco on Twitter: [MEDIA]
We were able to finalise an order this morning for collection tomorrow and our Favourites were available this morning using Chrome (which Tesco...
No, they won't give up. And this is why (unlike Jo) I think Sharpe, White, Chalder and friends will have a counter piece in the BMJ ready for...
Yes, the site is back up again this morning. We've done a Click & Collect for the whole week's shopping for three adults every week since the...
You can request to cancel an already booked delivery or C & C via @Tesco on Twitter but you may have to wait a while for a response asking you to...
There are no Minutes of Executive team (whose membership overlaps with Guidance Executive) meetings posted more recently that the Minutes for...
According to MEpedia: Murphy was appointed to the NICE guidelines review committee for ME/CFS in November 2018, a controversial appointment given...
The podcast and transcript are also on the BACME site, here: https://uk-podcasts.co.uk/podcast/let-s-talk-about-cbt/cbt-for-chronic-fatigue-syndrome
If you left click with your curser at the beginning of a paragraph, then move across and down the lines of text (as though you were selecting the...
Some of you who are old enough may recall that Aaronovitz had been part of the University Challenge team where the team members answered "Trotsky"...
It may depend on how many times you have accessed the page. I was able to view the article at least twice; the next time I viewed it a log in was...
Yes, I found this also. I was able to access the page twice, then it asked for a log in or registration. I do have a registration for PULSE, but...
And the Dissociative disorders and conversion disorder have a long classificatory history. See:...
Prof Raad Shakir, a former President of the World Federation of Neurology, lobbied the WHO long and hard with Stone et al to have a functional...
Inconsistent? https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/fnd/ (...) Are MS and PD considered "rare diseases"?
According to the NORD site (and Stone)
Separate names with a comma.