I've shared the survey details on the local ME Groups. There's been a reasonable amount of interest so far. One question, is there anything that...
The ME Association, Invest in ME and ME Research UK are all listed as options. Thank you for posting the link. I had seen the logo on the ME...
Thanks @Trish . I'm lucky that I get full pay for a year, but I've only a few months left. When I was first ill (2016) my improvement was fairly...
I missed this thread first time around so it's been interesting to read. Not sure I've been ill long enough to decide, but based on current...
The MEAction survey had a few respondents (8) but not all answered all the questions on the service so the data is not particularly useful for...
The size of your screen shouldn't really affect it. I don't know what to suggest, sorry it doesn't work for you. Hope you feel less caboodled later!
I'll be honest, I don't know what was done to publicise it as I wasn't involved then. I'll take that back as a comment to inform any future surveys.
I'm also using Windows 10 and Chrome and it's presenting fine (also in MS Explorer/Edge). There's some other factor involved then. You'd think...
That'd be quite a lot of work to produce unfortunately. The idea is that it allows the regional groups to look at the specific issues in their...
Unfortunately Google Sheets only seems to present the graphs in certain browsers. We did try various options but ended up having to leave it. If...
There's a lot of engagement going on by the charities for the NICE review. I'm hopeful that we'll end up with a better set of guidelines. It's a...
MEAction performed a survey earlier this year, gathering data to submit to NICE for their review of the ME guideline. I think there’s already a...
My pain is in the muscle, and worse when in PEM. On 'good' days it's not present at all. At the moment I just take ibuprofen when it's bad, and...
Done, although I'm not sure it's particularly informative I'm afraid!
When I was mild, and within the first 12mths of falling ill, I would get a reoccurence of the terrible sore throat that I had with the virus which...
@Simon M thanks for highlighting you've a Facebook page. Now following. :)
@Simon M using RHR is exactly what I had been doing before this relapse. Not as the only guide but as one of the main ones. For some reason I...
@Mithriel thanks, I wasn't aware of that one. I've used something similar on github for intraday HR. What I'm trying to do at the moment is look...
I'm very interested in this, and am trying to process my downloaded FitBit data to look for signs of this current relapse. Struggling a bit with...
I agree, it's something I've been trying to find information on. After first being ill I slowly improved until the start of this year when I went...
Separate names with a comma.