I was very surprised to learn that there was a GP practice like this (I was less surprised that it’s in Brighton). How do they get NHS funding for...
I'll be very impressed if you can get your two little dogs to do their business into a condom. Do you want to edit? :laugh: Decluttering takes a...
This was sent to me by someone who is a patient at this GP surgery in Brighton, UK. They are chronically ill and significantly disabled with...
[MEDIA] In their captivating talk Chris Dance and Dr Laura Marshall-Andrews discuss their views on integrating mainstream and traditional...
Thanks everyone, I'm off to eat a dark chocolate covered rice cake.
I live in a farce. This is the third time I've wanted to say that today reading on this forum, and now I'm saying it. eta - minus the swearing
So we don't know if her question is ignorant or fiendishly clever :laugh: I hope she responds to the emails, thanks to those that sent them
Thank you @alicec - a big help (so foggy!)
Was alerted to this by Jen Brea tweet. My excuses for not trying fodmap, or at least fructan free, diet are dwindling. Would appreciate feedback...
Fructan, Rather Than Gluten, Induces Symptoms in Patients With Self-Reported Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Gry I. Skodje et al Gastroentorology...
I want to see this change, or I want funding for these groups not CMRC. CMRC have much to prove
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05x8dbm#playt=02h10m30s (Direct link) From yesterday Features a pwme, and Charles Shepherd. Unrest clip and...
Relieved. You're worth every penny, David.
I can relate to some of what you write, but pem'd and brain fog :hug: eta - depersonlisation particularly during bereavement
Like a (Web)dog with a bone..:thumbup:
My take on stairs : My previous home had 2 flights of stairs - we moved specifically to reduce the stairs, number of rooms and floor area because...
I've liked your post @Webdog, but what I really meant was a cringe and a sharp intake of breath.
What else does a pepper have to do before it's safe from being eaten?! Um..hope it was worth it
I thought it was a very good programme pitched well for the audience and time of day, but still referencing really important issues (albeit...
Good point. I suspect I wouldn't have made that comment if the research hadn't been about subsidised pizza eating.
Separate names with a comma.