Didn't get a reply to my letter asking my MP to attend (she didn't) but have asked her to watch the debate or read Hansard. Holding out some hope...
90 patient letters submitted
Nicky Morgan - made a point about shortness of debate and need for wider debate in HoC - something to push for
She's bloody briliant
My MP has not replied to me, so I've written again using @Sasha's letter. She didn't reply to my NICE guidelines letter either. At least my...
This is great. Unfortunately I've already sent my own poor attempt.
On the whole I like the report, though I do wonder what I'm missing.. Considering half the committee were Conservatives (party of government,...
Ideally we would have more: I would like to see a expert PR/Lobbying/Media offensive such as Valerie Eliot Smith has proposed. If she didn't get...
Selection of CFS group seems lax to me, but interesting that their findings seem consistent with Naviaux's hypometabolic study. Would this be...
I don't believe in "I am only a mum" :). Thanks for posting the link to your blog - it's great to have feedback from another perspective. Also, a...
The full report is now available. I've also added these links to the post at the start of the thread. PIP and ESA assessments: Full Report...
No it's not - your english is very good!
Example of secondary gain from false illness beliefs = Simon Wessely getting a Knighthood.
You can only do your best, @Joh. I'm sorry if my comment was insensitive.
It's good the letter is saved. If it were me I'd spread about it in full as widely as possible. It's a gem.
Thanks for letting me know Arnie Pye - I've reposted and it's working for me now
Maybe the full report will have more information as to how the DWP collated the initial sample group candidates; but it seems that all of the...
PIP and ESA assessments: Claimant Experiences https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmworpen/355/35502.htm pdf version:...
Article in the Guardian Friday Feb 9th 2018 'Substantial minority' of disability claimants failed by system – MPs A “substantial minority” of...
yes, both in general practice/primary care and in specialist/consultant led clinics
Separate names with a comma.