Just wanted to update and say my sinus improvements continue to be maintained with occasional (weekly or so) L. Sakei treatments. I would say 60%...
https://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2018/04/evaluating-campaigns/ CDC blog post on "10 methods that can help you reduce costs and improve...
For studies at Stanford, I was evaluated using CCC. Apparently I passed CCC, because they keep asking me back. However, before that, I was an...
That sounds much more practicable than my idea of cloning him.
As New York State Health Commissioner, Howard A Zucker, wrote in May of last year (bolding mine):
http://connachttribune.ie/former-irish-squash-champ-rooney-still-haunted-by-being-forced-to-quit/ Former Irish squash champ Rooney still haunted...
This one is new to me: "Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome". According to the Mayo Clinic website, CECS is "an exercise-induced muscle and...
Have you tried Graded Elimination of Tabs (GET)? Your tab elimination starting point or baseline will be your own current level of ability. You...
New Crawley publication in the journal Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics....
My doctor says not enough evidence to recommend daily ibuprofen at this time.
Seems every Monday morning there is another Tuller piece ready to make me smile. Worth every penny and more. Just wish I had more to give.
Great question. From the abstract:
The article claims "We now have a simple test that can indicate if a person is fated to develop Alzheimer’s disease long before it begins to...
No offense taken! :)
We are talking about an over-the-counter pain reliever used by millions (if not billions) since the 1970s, right? :)
Several papers have been published about the familial early onset Alzheimer's that runs on my mother's side of the family. My grandmother didn't...
If the Tiangong-1 space station crashes to earth on April 1, that would start Tuller's campaign literally with a bang. PS: Just donated some...
https://www.iospress.nl/ios_news/canadian-neuroscientists-say-daily-ibuprofen-can-prevent-alzheimers-disease/ Canadian Neuroscientists Say Daily...
Don Staines (Griffith University) will be presenting again in London at Invest In ME, June 1 2018.
Separate names with a comma.