Well there is still a fundamental and glaring error showing that they were not overly careful with checking their work: That comes off as just...
Unfortunately from what Ive seen it's a real coin toss with celebrity endorsements. It can go rather badly if they start going off script and...
In an effort to boost good research results for the little that gets funded I'd start by educating researchers. It seems (bizarrely) that they...
Do you know, is there anything very precisely different that separates the sausage machine variety from 'proper' CBT. I expect training would be...
It's late here for me so to answer really briefly on my part. I don't know much about genetic research but it seems to me that searching for this...
The idea that there is a "Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry" sub discipline horrifies me somewhat. (Stuart Ritchie) Those three things...
The BPS cabal would like very much to spread this misinformation. I suspect that in the past some bio research was greeted with perhaps less...
Well, as we here all know -- there is nothing quite like personal experience of ME and trying to expend energy we don't have to clear up any...
This can explain so much of why the cabal believe they're on to something. Vague general mild symptoms and poof presto you are healed. Start the...
Interesting. I missed that point. I would have thought that all the time spent with the patient added up to more. Maybe Italy could get...
There may be but there will be no access to the for many unless there is data to support their use. If there were better management strategies in...
Similar point to Wilhelmina. You can tell people things. They may even be true but the person hearing must first believe that it is in fact...
Not just Britain. Famously, at least locally, a man was tasered to death at Toronto International Airport because he was agitated. He was...
In terms of advocacy I'd like for there to be much more robust data just for the symptomatic relief of symptoms. So many of us as we come to being...
I should probably also point out that the focus on the purely psychological leaves out the very real issue of not only the social but the...
The lack of awareness of psychologists can be breathtaking. It's perfectly reasonable to provide information and promote healthy behaviours. No...
This is how it seems to me. Of course there has always been this type around but now it seems like they are becoming as common as toxic plastic...
Excellent. More clear and precise writing hitting the target. I can't help but wonder when reading articles like this one as to what type and...
It's been ages since I've had any kind of Christmas Wish. I do wish this Christmas for this article to be widely shared,...
The underlying premise implicit in the above abstract (in more general terms than just abdominal pain) is that there is a large category of people...
Separate names with a comma.