@ScottTriGuy Thank you for contacting them to assess. I hope it might prove to be a useful avenue to pursue.
I'm not convinced all is as it seems though. Edit: See: https://www.s4me.info/threads/bacme-website-changed-members-area.7068/#post-127270 The...
I'm posting this in case there are Cdn advocates here who are not aware of this group and who might find connecting with this group of possible...
Not to mention the fact that Wessely in a possibly unguarded moment on twitter opined that he was regretful that he had not listened to patients...
And now immortalised in the 'wayback machine' !
I'm not at all sure but could this be the address/right location? : https://www.rlbuht.nhs.uk/contact-us/i-have-a-concern-complaint/
Fact laundering via the spin cycle. I find I keep wondering how my opinions would be more generous if I wasn't so affected by the horrible plague...
I'll take it as well. It's just seems such a painful win. And IMO if this sort of thing is to be stopped from happening again and again in the...
IF @adambeyoncelowe is right it is a win. But of the most humiliating kind. I guess I'm a hardliner in that for me the best outcome is that they...
My money's on all the BPS lot riding the coattails of others biological research and then proclaiming themselves our saviours. It's one thing to...
I didn't catch that. What are they playing at? Perhaps it's an indication of their savvy. At arse covering.
This suggests to me that QMUL and others ought to start bearing some blame and having their reputations on the line rather than the researchers....
Didn't Sharpe mention on twitter a statue of a chicken in Trafalgar Sq? I picture this statement rendered in stone. I think there's space now in TS.
There seems to be a mistake with the signature from Canada being from Colorado. It seems that National FM/ME Canada did not sign or were not asked.
Went back to have a look. I think I may have been thanking the person who took the photo of the person being described in the article. I can't...
You can be interested in the same illness or subject matter but not have the same perspective regarding it. I think that might be what is meant....
But the true/not true has nothing to do with the selection but is rather a question for discussion afterward. I am not as pessimistic this time...
Some of the cochrane board seem to be rather new additions. I wonder if this is what is at least partly responsible for the growing divide.
Thanks to Christopher Nunn the journalist who wrote the piece. If anyone has a subscription I'd be interested to know if there are any comments...
I didn't know that. Thanks for pointing it out. That's unfortunate.
Separate names with a comma.