Do you have a list of UK researchers? Neil Harrison is a new CMRC board member.
"establish a CFS/ME Platform, similar to that of the Dementias UK Platform, to expedite and consolidate biomedical CFS/ME research." The MRC has...
Well, Cambridge :) > Prof Chinnery: My laboratory research programme is based in the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, and studies the mechanisms...
I like: The CMRC's purpose is to promote the discovery of the biological mechanisms that underpin CFS/M.E., which, together with clinical...
Thanks for these replies. Maybe my post wasn't clear - I'm quoting the figures from your paper. The NNT was my own, and I thought the protocol...
Here’s, a couple of graphs that reveal how far the PACE authors moved the goalposts for the primary outcomes, by comparing the protocol primary...
Comparison of protocol primary outcomes with published primary outcomes (did the switching matter?) I thought I'd bring things together to show...
Or a no, if we go with the Stats plan approach. As you and I both noted, the same plan also changed the primary outcomes, but I can see no way...
I'm bravely/recklessly going to try to help (the first part of this post, more complex stuff further down). It's simplest if we us the correction...
Although they describe it as symptom-limited submaximal exercise, you can see from the heart rate and oxygen: carbon dioxide ratio at peak...
I’m very keen on the idea of some kind of stress-test, including single exercise testing, to reveal biological differences. So this is great: it’s...
Like @Valentijn I am unimpressed without some published data to back it up. There are no end of plausible hypotheses out there and almost every...
I don’t think when they played around with the recovery data specifically actually matters here. Once they had sight of the whole data, they...
i’m probably going on about this unnecessarily, but... the recovery definition used is based around the “normal“ range for the primary outcomes...
So this was both an exploratory and prespecified?? And however they defined recovery there was always a difference - except they forgot to...
Thank you for an impressive analysis that I think will come to be seen as a very important and influential piece of work. Somewhere on the Wolfson...
Huge thanks to everyone who took part in the poll and shared it on social media. In January, our small group of research-oriented ME/CFS patients...
Broadly is a deliberately-generous term. So if you think it’s not quite right, but generally covers it, that’s broadly and a Yes. If you think not...
We made it to 760 responses, which is an incredible results. Thanks to everyone who completed the survey or shared. Paul closes tomorrow, early,...
Separate names with a comma.