Oh, yes, sorry, I meant top comment in the thread, not on Reddit front page.
Upvoted the crap out of everything OMF-related on that thread...It's the top comment atm, hopefully more people can go comment and upvote!
How is she even still allowed to practice "science"?
For you. A long list of symptoms is not a problem for you, but trust me, as a patient, it's a huge problem. We all learned early on to cull/tailor...
@Gingergrrl might have some very useful insights :whistle: Edited: to add a warm welcome to @Josie , just noticed this was your first post :hug:
And is surely the cause of any remission of symptoms obtained.
At what point did the meaning of "functional" go from "it's happening but we can't yet identify the cause" to "it's happening but we can't yet...
I admit (shamefaced) that I was very judgy ages ago, before I was sick, though I did not know it, when I had a colleague with Fibro, and a client...
Holy cow Jen's mojo just keeps getting better! This is crazy good news!
Go James
Thanks, Cheshire :D
Can someone please remind me of Anil's username here? I've forgotten it as well as my Disqus pw and would like to share some personal...
I secretly hope EC comes and asks *him* a question. Plus, bonus: she might learn something.
Yes, this is why they eventually pivoted to "highly vocal organised minority" or whatever whilst continuing their misinfo and diminishment of...
@TiredSam, gold stars for you!
Not to mention, how on earth is it newsworthy or even breathworthy that people are finding support online in 2017? "Woman Finds Adding Sugar To...
Rest well, floppy lil superhero!
Yes and promoted accordingly--as a coping tool--as well as not offered as a scammy pyramid-scheme overpriced hard-sell. That is just bullshit and...
Oh, yes, Forbin, I wasn't addressing this to you, I was saying it generally. I knew what you meant, and I think he's right to challenge her; I've...
Yes, really. Shame is not in his vocabulary, apparently. He confabulated the threats, got his fables into multiple news outlets, and then awarded...
Separate names with a comma.