That is a big issue in ME that questionnaires typically fail to address.
This was me in the early years. Now its not that my battery is low, its like somebody pawned it to feed their addiction. If I find out who ...
The problem is that aspects of intelligence are measurable, but until we can really define what it is the big idea of intelligence is not...
Isn't this the case for most claiming scientific authority?
Giving up, moving on, or becoming too sick to turn up any more?
Hence why I want to know what is happening with severity and duration. With differentiating from predisposition the disease duration issue is...
What I would hope they investigate is the degree of abnormality with respect to both severity and disease duration.
Thank you. :)
Thank you, that is helpful, but I was more interested in Dr Myhill's actual complaint letter which I still have not read. It goes into specific...
If you can resave it in pdf or even txt that would be great, as MS steps in and starts making demands and all options are locked out. I actually...
Is there a copy of the complaint in non .doc format? Pdf or plain text for example?
Since its so hard for them to release bits of data, given no staff, ask for the whole anonymized database?
To my understanding that is standard practice. To deviate from that would require a good reason, or lack of competence.
This is the definition of nonscience that Popper created in respect to Freudian psychotherapy.
See my comment above. At least one did claim to see what was written, and if we could confirm this or arrange public testimony, or maybe some kind...
Allegations like this arose at the time of the PACE trial, but were difficult to document - I was aware of one such claim. If there was one, there...
Breaking news, new therapy causes recovery in the recently departed. ;)
Its indirect evidence of deliberate bias. Direct evidence occurs with the manipulation of SF36PF data in the calculation of normal, on which their...
I am taking nothing and have out of control diabetes. All this started five years ago when I was in hospital, a whole stack of blood results went...
I am a moderate patient verging on severe. I am probably in the middle area where it might be very useful but its a risk. Its main use is to find...
Separate names with a comma.