Twenty odd years ago MS patients were not told their diagnosis as it was thought no one would want to know that they had a lifelong disease with a...
I have been thinking about this, what exactly is ME and how does it relate to other enteroviral infections. I am probably one of the few people on...
Yes, indeed. The phrase is used without being defined in most cases and the spectrum is very wide. The consequences of the abuse are very diverse...
Type I, II, and III polio are just names for different enteroviruses. They are all very similar but these are the ones which were included in the...
When the Kreb's cycle is saturated so it cannot take in any more of the pyruvate being produced by the anaerobic chemical reaction it builds up...
edited, unfortunately, my ME brain wrote basal ganglia instead of brainstem. I have corrected it now. (the basal ganglia are involved with speech...
While moderately affected by ME - by evening I had to be helped upstairs, had episodes of paralysis, inability to speak and blindness - I walked...
See Nick Lane's books on mitochondria. Sports physiologists are not so knowledgeable about biochemistry and cell bioenergetics.
I am desperate to exercise. I envy my aromatherapist who goes to the gym every day despite being 66. If the BPS crew had not hijacked ME...
I presume the the table is of things they scored then they find the total and say this is meaningful. If I have read it wrong, sorry. The problem...
There is a limit to how much aerobic capacity a cell can have. Aerobic exercise, when the cell switches to anaerobic respiration, increases...
They justify it by saying that anyone who is actively ill with anything should not give blood because it is potentially dangerous to them, not...
I agree that trials should never be based on things like the SF36, they are not objective enough. I may be remembering it wrong but I think that...
Using patient self report in a trial is always subjective but in ME the situation is even worse. The SF36 gives numbers you can add up with a yes...
I think it can be called a behavioural therapy because they will suggest behaviours like saying "no" or help you role play what to say to someone...
I apolgise, I used the wrong term. When I was a microbiology student in the early 70s and in general, it was accepted that some infections left...
In ME, the important measure is how quickly performance deteriorates. No one seems to look at that properly but it is the crucial thing that I...
I think that PVFS has been made the same as ME since CFS was used for both. That is nasty but doesn't last lifelong the way ME does and is a...
I can't get it to copy but in the above table under no persistent infection it lists polio virus and Coxsackie B virus which is very strange. The...
Carefully omitting enteroviruses despite epidemics of enteroviral infection being the basis for the name myalgic encephalomyelitis. Never let it...
Separate names with a comma.