Another example of using CFS as a name for the symptom of fatigue rather than the highly disabling, serious, systemic disease it is. Ignore all...
They do not give any description of how functional dystonias differ from other dystonias beyond their own decision to class certain aspects of...
Daftasabrush, sadly, IBS is firmly classed as a functional disorder nowadays.
They have got this upside down. I have a few other medical conditions now as I age and I would love to be able to go to the equivalent of S4ME for...
I had pfizer 14th February. I was exhausted because of the effort of going for it and had a bit of a sore arm and a headache for a few days but...
The BPS people made much of ME/CFS being a different sort of disease. One leading proponent said it occupied a region between mental and physical...
His talking about how he obsessed about sugar after eating cake is telling because that is what the BPS accuse us of doing when we talk from...
There is a lot that can be done for ME patients right this minute which would be useful for longcovid as well. Believe the patient and take what...
I get hunger as a symptom which is as unrelenting as a pain. It is obviously part of my PEM and like other things happens with no rhyme nor...
Are these things not copyrighted? New questionnaire, new money.
The trials on GET use the Chalder Fatigue scale which is so bad that it is usual for many participants to be at or near the maximum score at...
Looking at the Dallas bed rest study, the volunteers had 3 weeks extreme bed rest with no load bearing at all followed by 8 weeks intensive...
Reading about POTS it seems to me that it is not a single disease, but something that is the end point of different things that are going wrong in...
Missed that, thanks.
I have never read anything that convinced me the placebo effect exists but an assault on the body like making a hole and removing blood could...
A bit behind in my reading but flu was always considered to have a prolonged convalescence in some people. The common feeling in my working class...
I have not read the article but a breakdown in homeostasis is one of the most severe of my symptoms and one that has been present right from the...
ME/CFS is what we have when the symptoms go on for years and years without resolving which is exactly what she is saying longcovid is. Exactly...
The biggest problem with the biopsychosocial approach is that they include the physical, the psychological and the social but give them all equal...
Separate names with a comma.