Alternatively I’ve heard CBT for ME, described as - GET with the added push from the psyche angle to adhere to physical increases. Both push for...
So it seems the MERUK article has been updated. The answer to Jim Shannon was correct. No Yellow Card reporting for psych therapies
Yes it seems so. I can’t help thinking however, that patient input will not be given the same weight as GP responses. It’s back to the same old...
So frustrating I tried to add the following comment on Virology Blog, but it doesn’t seem to stick: (I tried splitting it up, also using other...
Absolutely - but it might be a wasted effort if it isn’t collated. My view is a proper collation system is required and SOON. Many GPs will look...
And this could then be used to nullify any "harms" reported via the system. I think you are right. CBT/GET harms can still not be reported via...
Whatever way you look at it, the answers given to Jim Shannon and the Countess of Mar are contradictory. I have put screen shots in my blog post...
No - I understand it to be UK specific
Okay. I've asked a question on the site, and also dumped all my thoughts into a blog post...
Blue cardy?
Okay I’ll ask now.
This is contradictory to the earlier reply to question asked by Jim Shannon. Which is it then?...
It is interesting, yet onlookers may think we have treatments, they’ll have heard all the media hype on exercise and have absorbed it as common...
The PACE trial must be contested or it will continue to be used to inform NICE recommendations. Thus it is important that it becomes recognised as...
Post Activity Collapse Syndrome? LOL we could go on and on thinking up names. I don’t think it is even possible to create a name that all...
This! Things are now hopefully moving away from the psychosocial approach, and it would be best if the whole “fatigue” premise could be scrapped...
Thinking on my Systemic Metabolic Insufficiency name idea again, and @Sasha’s question on whether we know that yet. I think at the most basic...
No probably not yet. It’s just how I feel right now. Meh
Systemic Metabolic Insufficiency
I agree, the naming is a difficult issue. Like others I found some descriptors didn't seem to fit me - at least not on first impressions. Let's...
Separate names with a comma.