Not prepared to click on anything on the Daily Mail or Mail on Sunday website, but it is good that even this ghastly populist tabloid is...
I suspect these delusions are very resistant to any intervention.
Didn’t bother to read the article but it is always worrying when there is confusion of terms even in the abstract. There seems to be significant...
Do we need a more flexible publishing system, that encourages the publication of null results? It is almost inevitable that high profile journals...
Sorry I don’t think I understand what you are saying. It is a fundamental principle of logic that you can not safely generalise from one example...
@Michiel Tack I would agree that it would be useful to have a way of grouping such threads together. Recently we have had quite a lot of threads...
If the advocates of MUS as effectively a psychiatric diagnosis understood the issues raised above they would insist on collecting systematic data...
Albeit some time ago, I worked for several years in neuropsychology research, parts of which rely almost totally on single case studies. My...
It is so annoying that plastic is used in tea bags when it is so unnecessary. I try to buy plastic free brands, but it is not always obvious...
From personal experience, and from the experience of others on the forums, night sweats seems to be fairly common in ME.
Have attempted to organise attending a couple of family funerals and failing dismally, I now have a rule of thumb that if the planning to do...
When I was referred to a specialist service, I was already recording everything I did in quarter hour chunks onto a data base. So I continued this...
@Michiel Tack, Thank you for compiling this. There is too much information for me to process at present. My initial response is to want to...
The advice I was given on pacing, some years ago, through the Sheffield ME/CFS service, included frequent switching between activities: so say...
Is this because it was written by someone drawing on their experience of ME/CFS service patients, which represent a very skewed sample of people...
There are specialist assistive technology services that in theory could be very useful for some people with ME. This would range from supporting...
I agree the idea of delayed PEM is counter intuitive, especially in a variable condition. It was not until I tried recording my activity and...
With my orthostatic intolerance, whether my feet are on the floor is a factor, but also whether my head is supported is an issue. I can sit...
One option is that there is something happening during a relapse that causes some temporary impairment but also less pronounced permanent...
@John Mac, I can relate to your experience. Over the last thirty years I have had periods of remission followed by relapses, with each relapse...
Separate names with a comma.