I follow her on twitter and I think she's great. I don't recall her ever mentioning ME/CFS, it's not really her area. @CRG does she mention ME in...
Amazing! I wonder if this is going to be a possibility in lots of different cancers :emoji_fingers_crossed:
Me too! Happy and relieved it arrived. For anyone else still waiting, it was 4 and a half weeks between me posting it and getting the email....
I'd be interested to know if/how Prusty's research might fit with @Manuel 's work (thread here:...
Hmmm, I sent mine three weeks ago and still haven't heard if they've recieved it. I think I'll email them about it. Edit - Sorry just read Andy's...
Being separated from cake is never a good thing. I've actually tried moxibustion, a friend who is an acupuncturist gave me some. It made my whole...
I read the guardian article about this y'day. Very interesting....
Could there be a higher proportion of people with a particular sub-type of ME in Norway I wonder? It would be interesting to do a genetics comparison.
Do we know of any stories of pts recovering after cancer treatment elsewhere in the world? They all seem to come from Norway!
It gives me hope that the condition is reversible, for some anyway.
Yes, this is well written and clear!
Education is notorious for buying into fads like this. Growth Mindset was huge, every classroom had to have a display and children and teachers...
Why does it say 2022 in the title to this thread? It looks like the paper came out in 2021?
I'm surprised. I remember talking to a friend, who was doing his phd in psychology at Cambridge Uni, about Lacan (I studied Lacan in quite a lot...
She did this youtube interview about it a while ago... [MEDIA] There's a thread on it here:...
I've just written to my doctor to ask if I can get the autumn booster. He added me to group 6 for the initial vaccine so hoping I'll be able to...
Thanks Andy.
Has anyone received their spit kit yet? I'm wondering when they are being sent out. Also, wondering if they fit through the letterbox or if you...
:emoji_clap: well done DecodeME team! Also, just to note in case it's helpful for anyone: - I had previously locked myself out of my account by...
Don't worry @V.R.T. I didn't doubt that. I was reflecting on some comments on twitter/facebook in my post above. To be honest, I'm not sure my...
Separate names with a comma.