Trial By Error: A Few Interesting Studies By David Tuller, DrPH
Fritscher-Ravens A, Pflaum T, Mösinger M, et al. Many Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Have Atypical Food Allergies Not Associated With...
Doesn't sound good. There a couple of forum threads about research papers co-authored by prosjektleder Egil Andreas Fors, e.g. the one on...
"Clinical Champion? What’s that?"
Way too much text, too many articles and comments for me to catch up with. PEM today from just trying it. Having PEM from things that seem very...
Interesting that the Times' print edition titled without the 'F'-word: "Search for genetic clues to ME" -- whereas in the online edition it's...
Congrats and huge thanks to all involved!
David Tuller: Trio of Trials Shows Limits of CBT for Medically Unexplained Symptoms Lancet Psychiatry recently published the results of a...
Yet I think it could be extremely helpful to have all of David Tuller's ( @dave30th ) criticism, also regarding MUS, on pubpeer, too. Could be...
(Continued from my previous post.) So what I basically wanted to say or ask is: 1. It's good that you're here. I see that the language we use...
Hi Hilda, I don't know whether I will be able to reply to some of your and others valuable posts within reasonable time, but I'd like to let some...
There is also the worrying role the Sciene Media Centre (UK) played in presenting the Lightning Process trial (SMILE):...
Participants of this study were recruited as part of an ongoing RCT: Twomey R, Martin T, Temesi J, Culos-Reed SN, Millet GY. Tailored...
Just realized that we don't have a subforum on trial methdology, so I hope it's OK to leave this here: Looking around what diverse experts say on...
Another example: [MEDIA] I realize that this is a difficult field especially with...
I missed that. What do you mean by a valid example, @Medfeb ? Do you mean that investigating pain as an outcome in an unblinded, not adequately...
I'm still only able to occasionally read and post, so again apologies for missing most of the discussion when replying to a particular post....
Did anybody actually say this? I think it's clear for all of us that including relevant subjective endpoints is always highly valuable, also in...
Still not able to catch up with this and related threads, so again apologies for just jumping in. Perhaps an open letter signed (only) by...
Hi @Hilda Bastian, thank you for your replies and for joing the forum as a guest. Haven't caught up with this thread yet, so apologies for just...
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