Edzard Ernst replies to one of his LP blog article's commenter:...
Very good letters. Big thanks to the letter writers Professor Jonathan Edwards and DrPH David Tuller. Also big thanks to those sharing David's...
The BMJ Paediatrics Open has now published it, too: https://bmjpaedsopen.bmj.com/content/4/1/e000620.responses Thank you @Michiel Tack for...
Two of the authors (Sharpe & White) are on the journal's editorial board:...
So the biggest group (38%) showed an "indeterminate pattern". Couldn't they have done something useful with accelerometer data, e.g. if they had...
Not an answer but maybe a hint: From this thread:...
Did you check your spam filter? ;-) How about: ask i f they received the letter, attach the letter again and give them 48h(*) to tell you whether...
VoilĂ -- the Larun/ Wyller/ Malterud/ Stubhaug piece: https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/i/B3wbQ/baade-kropp-og-sjel...
They are also co-authors of the 6 articles that constitute the thesis. 1st article: Anthonie Janse, Stephanie Nikolaus, Jan F. Wiborg, Marianne...
Thanks @Andy. :(
13 years ago in another Norwegian newspaper .... Google translate: "Not depression. My daughter Jennie and I were very surprised by the debate...
[MEDIA] https://twitter.com/TomKindlon/status/1264661372195024896 https://www.wegohealth.com/2020/05/21/lifetime-achievement/ see also...
Thank you everyone who have pursued the requests the letter asked for. So the link now is added at a place a bit less easier to ignore, and it...
From Phil Parker's Lightning Process(TM) website on what he claims to be "Research which supports the theories of the Lightning Process": "Dr....
Just wanted to drop an older not-yet-posted comment I found in my drafts folder (on David Tovey's answer regarding objective outcomes in his...
Description now removed/ sentence replaced with "See also this list curated by Hilda Bastian...." Link to the 'Open sheet for additional links...
[MEDIA] https://twitter.com/hildabast/status/1263260110509359104 Thank you Hilda, also for the link to the 1st list. I didn't suggest a DIY...
[MEDIA] https://twitter.com/hildabast/status/1263245268666875904 Apologies for any misunderstanding and thanks for whatever you did with...
Thank you once again Caroline -- I didn't send it and am not sure Hilda will spot everything posted here, so yes, would be great if you could do...
Maybe the Dagbladet won't publish letters in English? I think it would be good to publish it here on S4ME so anyone who wants to use it could...
Separate names with a comma.