Interesting points. I think the advice given to FM patients is to do some form of exercise, whatever is tolerated. Sometimes GET is mentioned....
Back in the day (1999-2000) when I finally applied for US social security disability, I first had to exhaust 6 months of state disability. And...
Great if you can be taught to ignore chronic pain (mostly used on chronic back pain). The trick must be to convince yourself that you are the...
Copyediting problem or maybe it's the Chrysalis copy editing effect: M.E. is how E.l.a.i.n.e. punctuates it.
Wow, oracle! Seventeen experts said yes or no to the surveyor's choice of non-pharma modalites such as magnetotherapy, cupping, acupuncture, and...
@Hutan Interesting career trajectory this Dr. Jason Busse. Undergrad degree in microbiology. Masters in molecular and medical genetics....
Bottom line is that fibromyalgia contains much more complexity than CBT can begin to work with. CBT believes in Santa Claus or that they are...
Purpose of this loose pilot study seems to be to compare to in-person CBT vs this app (called Fibroline, originally developed in a pediatric pain...
I've planned my snappy comeback if I am ever reproached about my mask: "I'm immuno-compromised."
I must have been tripping. You're right it's caregiver. I knew I was 'off' with the caretaker mention.
Yes, a dialect thing: in the US, it is "caretakers." Those who take care of someone. We'd have a "custodian" take care of the furnace in a school....
Of the 425-450 US people dying per day, half are vaccinated. Dr. Griffin (latest microbe TV podcast 9/18/22) said that if Paxlovid (which he says...
In Dr. Daniel Griffin's podcast this week (he's on microbe TV), he gave his opinion that declaring the pandemic over was way too US-centric, that...
@mango, can you rate the Loop Quiet ear plugs for me? How do they compare to using foam-type, cheap ear plugs and wearing Bose noise cancelling...
As you can see from the posts, everyone reacts differently. I use capsaisin because it has been shown to have effectiveness in knee pain...
TWIV has had some great podcasts about this subject. Vincent Rancaniello Phd has done research with polio.
I have fibro pain which is searing, or rather like Thor up there twisting my muscles into a knot as hard as he can. Or like pulled muscles...
This study reminds me of one done years ago by a grad student. And what was the magic ingredient interrogated? Cherry juice.
This group in a university psychology department in Spain do a lot of studies about FM and walking and pain and castastrophizing and why won't...
Separate names with a comma.