Thanks. I need to look in detail. It seems an intelligent approach. The question is whether it can induce complete reversal of the process and...
It might but we simply don't know that cyclo is doing anything useful. A major contribution that Fluge and Bella made to clinical research in...
Nobody knows but we are talking about doses that kill a high proportion of all types of immune cell including quite a lot of plasma cells. Doses...
This is a rather confusing statement. There is no reason to expect rituximab concentrations or kinetics to relate to improvement dynamics. You...
Where do they say that? Not sure how one would interpret it.
It doesn't say that. It says that improvement was sustained for six years. But if the improvement had nothing much to do with the...
Do we have a thread on the March 2024 BACME guide to severe and very severe ME/CFS?
I had not been through the BACME document for sever and very severe - at least not this version from March. I think we have a thread on it and I...
Well, if they just have anosmia presumably they can do as much exercise as they like anyway so there is no need to tell them to as management of...
But that is the point surely. No evidence.
What on earth is Scheibenbogen doing on this? Why? I completely disagree. The evidence is that exercise prolongs healthy life in a steady state...
So is this venous blood or more likely just blood from traumatised micro vessels during a pinprick? Presumably it measures lactate in skin dermis...
Glasziou justs worships exercise, in whatever context. He has said so. He thinks it is wonderful.
I have not taken the trouble to search through but do we know how lactate is being measured in these devices? Is it on optical spectrum or is...
Things have moved on in the last 5 years.
It is unlikely to correlate directly with PEM I think - it would go up with exertion and be down by the time of PEM. Of all the things that cause...
Maybe they moved to psychiatry thinking that if they screwed up badly not so many people would notice.
I would suggest that there is no such thing and never will be. Any assessment is for a purpose. There are myriad purposes and each will be suited...
I would say Sonja Kohl has got this wrong. PEM is not a mechanism. It is a temporal pattern of symptoms. It is symptoms. And whether or not it...
Because all psychology is based on a deeply flawed model of how our thoughts work. And so nobody can produce any reliable testable predictions so...
Separate names with a comma.