There are also fairies and dwarves, I tell you. In Ireland for instance. Some people will bury you alive if you don't respect the fairies and...
What an odd question. A classical coaching technique - but maybe at the wrong place?
This shows he has never trained himself, never spoken to people who have AND are sick (e.g. ME, MS, Mitochondriasis etc) or never has been sick...
I was here:!/ I see now it was my fault. If you sesrch for icd...
When I went to ICD 11 via google, there was a version without codes. But then I followed your links and there were the codes. Funny. Edit: I...
Ah, there was a question....In the public release now available there are the codes missing. I am sure you explained that somewhere. When will the...
What crap! On the other hand, what a huge success for the psycho folk. And governments will party. Because now, if you go "too often" to a...
Guidelines on Tiredness/CF cite PACE, and those guidelines are the basis of such actions, as is the entire dogma "it's primarily psychiatric"...
Hm...So does this mean we have to win over murderers and other people who make others suffer instead of saying clearly what their deeds are and...
Hi @duncan, what was with Smith? What was back then?
Chickenpox (that's the same virus in shingles, Varizella Zoster) is very common in children. Edit: But you mean shingles itself, not chickenpox?
Don't know what that is. :(
Thank you.
Interesting. In what way?
Did I read correctly? £300?! Over 12 months?! That's nothing. And for this sick people are being plagued? The study alone was probably more...
There was a comment by Lipkin, supposedly on a CDC conference in 2013 (I couldn't find more): Was there a follow-up or so? Also, I found this:...
Both plots look pretty similar. :cautious: Or don't they? How is it even possible that something like this is being published? There should be a...
I remember Knoop and Nater are one of the German BPS proponents (they seem to be in Austria now). Seems they are desperately looking to confirm...
That's very interesting!
@chrisb, I don't understand the details (since I seem to lack the needed knowledge). As you know, I'm also a conspiracist. :D
Separate names with a comma.