In capitalism, people depend on earning money. If an income gets lost, this poses an existential problem. Social systems aren't the best nowadays,...
I understand you @Mithriel, and I think I can feel with you. To be honest, your post made me sad, too, because I feel you could be right. You are...
Dante Labs should because they promised WGS. But I have checked and the P4HA1 gene is missing (too). I have requested it. If I get the result, I...
Well yes. We need a treatment. :)
I agree with this. One must be clear in the wording. I'd say AIDS advocacy e.g. wouldn't have come anywhere if they had said "Aids is primarily...
Sorry @Esther12, that doesn't sound better. And I see I remembered the context correctly. Thanks for posting the entire quote. Edit: Difficult...
I can't watch that video. It makes me too angry. Shame on them, especially Mrs Crawley!
Probably the Queen? Just a wild guess... Her husband Philip is said to have said somewhere in the past that if he should be reborn after death he...
Or to use against them. I am thinking about using some of their quotes against the DRV (DWP in UK). Not sure yet...but I see potential.
Is there some knowledge about other mutations in other genes coding for collagen, like ELN? And could there be a connection to EDS? (Also, highly...
No @Barry! Oh :) I was sorry to have taken the other thread off-topic. (Now I'm sorry to have upset you.) :angel:
Thank you @Woolie for this fantastic post! I agree an extra discussion would be interestinbg (new thread). You put so clearly into words what I...
This needs to be checked. I never checked it, and I guess I would have to dig into logistic regression. I don't think it's trivial - a problem...
Does he say here that CBT and GET don't bring people back to employment/work?
Indeed?! Always reminds me so much of "Arbeit macht frei". Yes, paid work = employment (no, caring, e.g. for family or others, volunteering etc....
I join in with @Gingergrrl. I am happy for you @Rossy191276.
It's the poor doctors that need to be kept safe from patients like us that will blame the doctor for everything if it's physical. If it's...
Sorry @Barry
If everything works fine (-> zinc, selen and others e.g.). She should have her ft4 and ft3 checked. I took T4 alone and I could have increased it...
Do you have more info about that? I never heard of it, but it sounds scandalous. I would like to understand better.
Separate names with a comma.