Not about ME but parallels are not hard to find. The article is a highly entertaining account of assorted “medical opinion wars” throughout the...
Yes! I'm with you on that one @Barry. Not only is it fascinating to follow somebody else's out-of-the-box train of thought but it's in fact...
No food allergies. A few minor Fodmap type intolerances but these don't seem to cause any more or less tinnitus than any other foods. It's more as...
The email I received gave no indication of how many of the 450 had the MTHFR mutation and didn't mention any publications. They have only started...
Excellent work @Hutan. Sadly your very reasonable suggestions go soooo far beyond what's currently offered where I live it's not funny. Yet I...
Cort did a typically enthusiastic blog about this project recently, mainly about a small followup study coming out of it (MTHFR defect – folate...
The power of celebrity. A formerly uninterested member of my wider family has been converted by a short interview on breakfast TV. All it took was...
Ticked tinnitus which started about the same time as the ME, gets worse after eating (why?) and during PEM, so likely linked in some way. Also...
Haven't tried them myself but these look rather cool. For the fashion conscious with a few spare dollars. Claim that the wool filters are easier...
While the media predictably have jumped on the high versus low carb issue what the study actually shows (ignoring for the moment other issues such...
I don't but such a study would be extremely interesting. From lurking around a few POTS forums I get the impression that there are three groups of...
My haematologist thinks it's conceivable haemochromatosis could contribute to symptom severity in ME, like adding an extra layer of fatigue on top...
Thanks @Simon M for all the intelligent blogging you did while you could. Really hope your current health downturn is a temporary set back. Take care.
Your recall is correct. It was Les Simpson. IIRC, there were a few other, small studies at the time looking into this and not finding anything....
Fascinating and thought-provoking article. Very long and has some highly technical bits way over my head. However, well worth skimming over them...
@JenB @Jonathan Edwards Would the following idea help overcome some of the potential bias issues you're discussing? And if so, would it be...
Not commenting on the safety or otherwise of HPV vaccine, I know nothing much about that topic. Just posting this to show that it is possible to...
I have tried cricket flour, baked into chocolate cookies and similar. Flavour very strong and tends to dominate. Fine if you happen to like the...
That was my reaction, too. Thanks @Hip. I know nothing about this topic, and it's a rather complicated one, but you managed to explain it clearly....
I was tested and cleared of SIBO because my breath hydrogen levels were low. No mention of methane in the report but as I was sure I'd been tested...
Separate names with a comma.