Sharpe is on Radio 4 now - 8.45am if you're listening later.
I think the motivation is "The Science Media Centre have handed me this story and told me how to report it, which I am happy to do because; a)...
Rod Liddle has a real hang-up about morgellons, doesn't he? Did a morgellon bite him as a child or something? I'm pretty sure he used the section...
"Stop making these allegations or I will sue you." (9 minutes later) "I did not threaten to sue you." Sometimes I wonder if Sharpe understands...
We know what Sir Simon *says* it's all about - the stigma surrounding psychiatry and psychiatric diagnoses that he has made his life's mission to...
Sadly The Times website is telling me that I've reached my free article limit, and I'll have to pay £1 if I want to read this. I can think of...
Your reply to George M is now up as well. Unfortunately my comment still seems to be held in the moderation queue. Ah well.
As far as I can tell any comments made in the last couple of hours seem to be stuck in the 'approval pending' queue. Fingers crossed your reply...
I have upvoted. And left a comment of my own.
Thanks - for some reason the 'Free sign up' option wasn't appearing for me, but I've found it now. Pleasing to see that - once again - a couple...
Sigh. Can anyone who's a Times subscriber tell me if there's anything new in this piece? And are they allowing comments?
I think you've hit the nail on the head. If you try to engage Sharpe in polite reasoned debate on Twitter, he blocks you. If you direct abuse at...
In the same vein... Sharpe: "I don't work on ME any more - it's just too toxic. The toxicity permeates everything." Also Sharpe: "My co-authors...
Whew! I'm never sure whether I should make it more obvious when I'm trying to be funny...
I meant it as a joke about Dave's encounter with Esther Crawley in 2017 - I probably should have added a smiley...
Probably just in case @dave30th saw fit to make an unexpected appearance to pose impertinent questions and they needed to ask him to leave.
I understand that, and I don't disagree with anything you've just written. But as you said upthread... Sadly Michael Sharpe is never going to...
I completely agree with you that the tweets aren't helpful. But if readers of the Daily Mail can read quasar9uk's comments - embedded in an...
I've got mixed feelings about this to be honest. Although @quasar9uk's comments are in some ways a gift to Michael Sharpe - worse than anything...
Thanks for this - exactly what I was hoping for. I look forward to watching the video when it comes available.
Separate names with a comma.