Abstract in second post https://abc7news.com/health/stanford-researchers-may-have-answer-to-treat-covid-brain-fog/10828320/ Working with a team...
Aaron Ring at Yale University is very interested in running some ME/CFS samples on the REAP platform. He asked if I knew of someone who could...
I also liked this comment from Dr. Fluge: "They've written a paper on their hypothesis on what is the main mechanism behind ME which will soon be...
Thanks! I guess I should of kept reading.
I have one question if anyone wants to chime in. I know the XMRV story pretty well but my one question that always lingered was that Lo ? Alter at...
Looks like they have a possible biomarker for a subset: "A study with peptide arrays demonstrated an immunosignature based on serum antibodies...
"This study shows that cyclophosphamide intervention is feasible for ME/CFS patients. The growing evidence for immune alterations in ME/CFS and...
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2020.00578/full Excerpt: In conclusion, our study shows that the PTPN22 rs2476601 and CTLA4...
Posting in case anyone is interested: How does COVID-19 kill? Uncertainty is hampering doctors’ ability to choose treatments...
I had emailed Dr. Koroshetz earlier this year asking about grants from researchers outside the U.S. here is a snippet: It is possible for...
I'm down at the lab every few months donating blood. A few years ago when I was first involved it was deserted. When they bring you in and...
Article in the New England Journal of Medicine by Tony Fauci. On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the...
Why don't you also ask OMF or the Ron Davis group why there not concerned about it not being published since they put up the million dollars to...
We each have to make our individual decisions on what projects we want to support. I personally have donated to Dr. Prusty's efforts.
Solve had no problem supporting Dr. Prusty in the past. https://solvecfs.org/dr-bhupesh-prusty/
Sorry I didn't clarify the 5 grants info is from Walter Koroshetz in an email exchange.
The NIH only funds on average about five international grant applications a year. “ Whether the project presents special opportunities for...
There also is now a Go fund me page for those interested in helping: https://www.gofundme.com/f/gofundmecfs-support-scientific-research-mecfs [IMG]
Phase one determines whether a drug is safe to check for efficacy. 70% of drugs pass this step where only 25-30% pass a phase three. So phase one...
Just wanted to bump this up to link Dr. Bhupesh Prusty's presentation he gave at the NIH Conference earlier this year. [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.