Donated :thumbup: So relieved and grateful that you’re continuing to work on this @dave30th
@Hutan Thank you so much for that post. I set some of my best times in swimming competitions a year or two after I got ill, even catching up to...
"I did this by listening to people that have recovered from CFS/ME, not people that are still unwell; and by understanding that our unconscious...
Recovery Norway always repeat the mantra "Listen to those that got better", while undermining those patients that share their negative experiences...
@Samuel I thought this thread was very interesting, because ME patients often have many symptoms that doctors and researchers are not interested...
Taking that metaphor that ME/CFS patients have been using for ages to explain our illness, and then saying it doesn't apply to us. I can't believe...
Thank you for making this topic @Andy . It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. I’m not sure which of these might be mentioned in...
I haven’t found any workaround, just wanted to say you’re not the only one. Mindfulness meditaiton is unbearable for me. Brainfog is my most...
Thank you, that makes sense. I think ME nurses would make an incredible difference. Great submission from S4ME :thumbup:
Same here. And difficulty breathing because my muscles feel to weak and fatigued. I think it’s strange how there’s so many symptoms I have with...
I hope I can start laughing instead of crying next time. Somehow this thought made encounters with medical professionals seem a lot less scary.
I think LP being endorsed by doctors and people in posistions as Helland, Fattorp and now Garner, is the reason the fad has been able to stick...
Same. It was impossible for me to take myself seriously when saying things like "I'm a genius" and "I'm as energic as a gazelle running over the...
People are resistant to subject patients to LP because it is a really weird, nonsensical self help course, because the practitioners have no...
That's the saddest part
Thank you so much to the people that helped make this happen. This is so many steps forward, I couldn't have dared hope for this (after all we've...
Shaming, mistreatment, prejudice and abuse has been the defining experience for me of having ME. It has always been a heavier burden to bear than...
same here. i always get burning in my legs with PEM, even from mental exertion. in my calf and thigh muscles and the bones it feels like,...
Donated. It means so much that you are doing this @dave30th. Seeing your work and knowing that we have someone like you that cares about our...
In the beginning when I was still working out, and still was in good physical shape from before I got ill, I was surprised by how extremely out of...
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