I don't know how old you are, Marky, but doing a quick google search I'm wondering if this is something that is normal as we age??
You shouldn't use the same probiotic continuously. They should be changed up every week or two between a few others and then keep rotating them.
I don't know if this is what you were referring to:
With ME/CFS, I would imagine that it depends on how severe the person's ME is? I'm mild to moderate, and I'm definitely not deconditioned,...
They are expensive. I don't have $275.00 to spend on something that 'might' work.
I can totally relate. I used to sleep with a duvet, a comforter, and several blankets piled on top of me. Now even a thin blanket makes me too...
Do we live in the same country?? I've never come across this attitude.
Flonase was the one that made me feel really bad. Beconase was almost as bad.
@Squeezy It could possibly be the steroid nasal spray that you are using. I feel like hell after about a week when I use those. I can't use them...
My sister-in-law has FM, and the first time she was off work when she first got FM, she was able to return to work after taking a year off. She...
What we call oatmeal in North America is what they call porridge in the UK. Technically, I think that porridge is any type of hot cereal.
@Dechi Look for "The Nature of Things" with David Suzuki on YouTube, and look for their story on cholesterol. I watched it this afternoon and...
I think that is a very outdated idea. I've had ME for 28 years, however, my Sjogren's positive blood work is very recent.
There is also evidence that if your cholesterol gets too low, it can cause depression.
@Dechi Other than high cholesterol, do you have any other risk factors for heart disease (ie high blood pressure, high triglycerides, etc.)? My...
I developed reflux last year but that is something that runs in my family on my Dad's side. And as long as I stay away from chocolate, Coke and...
I can't answer the poll as I do have tinnitus, however, it has nothing to do with ME/CFS. Mine is due to my love of very loud music. Also, my...
Wow! You are lucky that you get phone consults and home visits by a doctor. Here where I live doctors haven't done home visits for years. If you...
The one good point to genetic testing is for people who are adopted. My brother who was adopted as a baby, is meeting his birth brothers and...
Hope you start feeling better quickly, Helly!
Separate names with a comma.