For older people or people with dark skin, they only produce 1/4 of the Vitamin D of a younger or light skinned person. Also, for anyone living...
Unfortunately testing for 25(OH)D is getting harder to get in countries that have gov't run health care.
Most doctors don't know that when you are taking Vitamin D3 supplements, you also need to be supplementing with magnesium and K2. Without at least...
Magnesium supplements make me pretty much comatose after about a week's daily use. :(
Or possibly it is some unknown bacteria that needs to be replenished because it was wiped out due to infection or antibiotic use.
@PeeWee If your partner isn't feeling any better tomorrow morning she should either go back in to see her doctor right away, or go the hospital...
In chemotherapy they use what are known as "Polar Cold Caps" which keeps the head cool while the patient is having their chemotherapy infusion....
That was my diagnosis, also. When I questioned my doctor about the name a year later she told me that it was the same thing as CFS - she just...
When I was first diagnosed with ME I was told it would take six months up to two years for recovery.
What percentage of Firmicutes did your nose sample show? Mine came in at 77.37% which seems somewhat high to me.
I love that! I've spent (wasted) thousands of dollars over the past 27 years on vitamins, minerals, and supplements that did absolutely nothing...
I was going to mention about the mega dosing, also. I am guilty of having done this in the past, however, the more I read about it, the more I'm...
It will be interesting to see if I hear back from them. I gave them a "0".
I plan on getting my gut bacteria evaluated, however, I don't think I will use uBiome if I can find a better company for testing. So far I am not...
They have changed the website since I got my test results. The 'diversity percentage' was the first thing that would pop onto the screen. I can't...
What was your diversity percentage?
I have recently started taking probiotics but I mix them up. Each week I take a different one. I also eat yogurt and plan on starting making Kefir...
I'd like to get my gut bacteria done sometime. Like you, I can't afford to do so right now. I'd bet money that my ME is related to changes in my...
Go to the 'compare' tab and you can see how your results compared to other responders.
I would say that your results are good, Rosie. I think that we want to have good diversity in our bacteria, which, unfortunately, I don't have. No...
Separate names with a comma.