New blog about Masano Health now erasing the videos I had critizised in my earlier text. And making changes on their website. And more. Google...
Merged thread A very complicated story (ME clinic Västerbotten and Masano Health) I have written down everything I know about the ME clinic in...
I have written a comment to the report on my blog. ”Okay. I have tried to read and understand the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's new report...
Noone who knows anything about the use of forget me not in the international ME-community from a historical perspective? RME claims that it is ”an...
They have changed their original post after I wrote this (and a blogpost about it) from lost loved one to missing loved one. The next post is...
I totally agree - it’s important for many reasons.
Ah. Thank you for this. I found this part of the article worrying together with the part where his talking about that he overexert himself as...
Ok, have never heard of that.
Yes I have lerned that a lot of dementia/Alzheimer organsationens use is as a symbol of memory loss. min Sweden we have an organsation for...
Okay, they are cute but I would have preferred something that is not associated with missing out on someone who has died.
Swedish patientorganisation RME uses the flower forget me not as their symbol this International ME-day. What is the international history for...
I have written a text in response to the interview with Bertilsson in TV4 and Juhlin in GP. ”Yesterday, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) attracted...
Yes. That we should do. And we should talk about the misstreatment and not tolerate discrimination and malpractice. And we should most definitely...
I don’t think it’s ok to generalize in this way. It sounds like you think it’s ok that healthcare staff is traumatized when they are patients just...
A letter from #MEvårdsaknas (ME-healthcare is missing) sent to those in charge of the new ME clinic in Västerbotten: With help from Google...
Yes, very offensive. Because it appears to me that theye are doing it all wrong…
The latest update on Masanos website (via Google translate). Very worrying that the places are full and that they are talking about continued...
I have published a blog today related to this article and this is a link to the Google translate version of it. The title is totally wrong in...
Separate names with a comma.