Yes! This seems to me to be the true aim of pacing. Any attempt to aim for increase in overall activity is no longer pacing, but rather it is...
I think for ME patients the situation is different. With diet, you can pretty much take the advice or leave it. Dietary guidelines can be...
This isn’t a video about ME but the parallels are striking. There is an interesting section in the middle describing how the advice offered by...
So what were they comparing this to? People with NO health issues? Might have been a more interesting study, if they had also looked at various...
I agree. However, I also think the best chance we have of getting the outcome we need, is if we allow those who support the soon-to-be vanquished...
I was curious about the bit where they said “. . . disease experts recommend . . .”, - they didn’t say exactly who they were referring to. That...
I thought the document looked alright. Suitable emphasis on post exertional effects. And that “chronic fatigue” is a symptom, and should not be...
Sounds like the need to have a process (any process) in place to tick a box, rather than creating a process designed to achieve something useful.
Interesting. They talk of 15 patients in the study, but then admit only 60% of them met the Holmes et al definition of CFS. So that was 9 patients...
Which it seems is the whole point!
Very good to see that written down :) Now - change?
Or put another way: Evidence shows that when a therapy fails to produce results, patients demonstrate a reduced commitment to continuing with...
Know I’m totalli confusticated - nyther spieling looks ryght to mi?? :arghh::wtf::facepalm::confused:
I remember reading about how ME peeps have difficulties with eye focus. Especially when tracking a moving object. (Wonder might scanning across...
For me, I found I suddenly started typing the wrong version of similar sounding words. I never had this problem prior to ME. Things like: There...
Quick Google brings this up. Close enough to my version of the story I guess. [ATTACH]
Apparently the first recordings of the ozone hole over one of the poles was so far from expected, that it was initially disregarded as recording...
I think it’s supposed to go the other way isn’t it? The model should be revised to accommodate the observations. (Unless the observation is...
Ah! I missed earlier replies saying much the same thing!
I think it might be more correct to say that science, as a process, has the potential to uncover at least some of the eternal truths of the...
Separate names with a comma.