It is almost like they are rubbing it in our faces and daring to us to do anything about it. 'Look at what we can get away with. Again. Ha ha ha....
Plain Stevia is my other sweetener. I use it in my breakfast (either porridge or steamed brown rice, with banana).
Gradually increasing physical activity or "pacing" as tolerated, The deliberate dishonest conflation of GET and pacing continues on unabated.
Practitioners were encouraged to monitor the progress of participants during and after exercise sessions in order to ensure that exercise...
A sugar replacement called erythritol – used to add bulk or sweeten stevia,... – has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and...
It is. It is also for unethical people to wilfully misinterpret one's reactions, no matter what they are. +1 They think it is all the same...
And sometimes a lot worse than that. Also, while that statement sounds good at first glance, we know from long and bitter experience how that all...
Exactly. The BPS stalwarts have not exactly been restrained in their use of inflammatory provocative language against us. Deliberately so, on...
@hibiscuswahine It is only the first paragraph you want quoted?
Reminds of how one patient characterised it: ME took my health away, but the medical profession took my life away.
Which is where the adequate control of variables thing comes in. That is how we distinguish causal relations from mere correlations. You know,...
Yep. They still don't have clear definitions for depression and anxiety. How they can be considered stable safe diagnoses escapes me.
For all we know they don't even exist. I would not put it past some people to completely fabricate the whole thing.
Less than 24 hours later.
RSS Oh boy, another acronym to muddy the waters.
No, but it helps reinforce the propaganda.
Cancelled people don't get access to the media. This is why we must demand a proper inquiry into this endless flow of vile smears against us. I...
What fresh hell is this? How many heads does this hydra have?
Endless, brazen repetition of a lie unjustified claim is a cornerstone of propaganda. Unfortunately it really does work. Preferably before we are...
Separate names with a comma.