Will there be a recording of it?
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-16/long-covid-puzzle-remains-unsolved-mandatory-isolation-australia/101539126 Not off to a great start. No...
It is the core of their sales pitch to the powerful. The promise of getting patients back to work is how they get so much support and protection....
Can psychiatry make medicine better? Not in its current incarnation.
Sorry. Wasn't criticising you. :hug: It is entirely the website's fault. It would be an effort to read for healthy people. :thumbsdown:
Second donation done. :thumbup:
https://www.science.org/content/article/how-sars-cov-2-battles-our-immune-system That is one of the most unreadable sites I have ever seen. A...
Functional movement disorders (FMD) have poor prognosis and high physical and psychological co-morbidity. Their pathogenesis remains unclear,...
Exactly. Which is why those benefiting from them not being retracted are fighting so ferociously to stop them being retracted. Reputations,...
Good piece from DwME. Thanks. :thumbup: It will take lawsuits, or at least serious threats thereof.
We did try to warn the world this was coming. We are only at the end of the beginning of the Covid disaster. It is still globally active,...
Computational models have great potential to revolutionise psychiatry research and clinical practice. Maybe. new concepts in mental health....
Keep records of all this, good people. Both on your own computer, and on sites like archive.org and archive.is. Make sure the guilty can never...
Apparently the source is this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Diary I don't have a copy, so can't confirm. But it seems to be...
not explained by identified structural damage to the brain Because, apparently, a) they have ruled out all plausible forms of structural damage...
Good Hope Therapy by marketing label.
The only tricky bit in making data available is ensuring it is adequately anonymised (where required, e.g. clinical trials). The rest, as @rvallee...
High Intensity Yeah, that is just what ME patients need. :facepalm:
empowering One of those words that is a big red warning flag about the woo to follow.
Separate names with a comma.