In the mid 1990s I did a lot of work on advocacy and equal opportunities for people with communication disability with Social Service staff in...
I too have seen this happen in the UK, it was in the 1990s in a general elderly ward. The lady had multi infarct dementia. The restraint was...
Over twenty years ago I went into complete remission following a period of a raw food, organic vegan diet, with lots and lots of supplements under...
It is difficult to know in the long run what strategy will be best, however in this case there are clear problems and simple remedies that are...
A great letter. Clear, fair, but pulling no punches. The BMJ can not keep protecting Prof Crawley's scientific malpractice and the PACE...
Is it possible to distinguish between Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome caused by mould, ME caused/triggered by mould and ME exacerbated by a...
It is incredible that clinicians with decades of experience of working with people with ME have not listened to their patients, that they have so...
If ME is a fashion statement I think I am getting it very wrong. For fashion to work it needs to be displayed, but over the twenty five years of...
In this context is the suggestion that ME is caused by environmental factors, triggered by environmental factors or exacerbated by them?...
I look forward to reading this paper. It will be a useful reference to give to journalists etc when the PACE appologists again wheel out the...
Thank you to Forward-ME for taking this robust stand against the misinformation and indeed downright lies in the recent SMC so called 'fact sheet'...
Have made a donation, and hope to be able to contribute more, there there is such an excellent return for the ME community for this investment....
We certainly need to find some way to answer the question is the BMJ Open's editorial and peer review system incompetent and allowing through lots...
A restricted elimination diet takes so long to evaluate everything. I spent well over a year and identified problems with gluten, caffeine and I...
I have no specific knowledge, but this seems to be a very important topic. Could we as a group ask them for clarification of their views on...
Thank you to all involved. Only able to process a part of this tonight, but will return.
Is there any way to ensure that potential participants and their families have objective information on the potential harmful side effects of this...
It is alright for Prof Crawley to libel and to slander specific individuals (eg David Tuller), organisations and charities (eg the MEA) and whole...
Well most people reading this will be aware of examples of where peer review has failed, and also where journals ignore concerns raised by reviewers.
Would the ME Association purple book be helpful in this context? I got a copy intending to then hand it on to my GP, but have not got round to it...
Separate names with a comma.