@Trish wrote: Wouldn't it be amazing to have a really well done drama showing the devastation caused by GET for pwME. Snap, I came here to post...
Ugh. On BBC Parliament at the moment, a debate before Health and Social Care Committee on men's health. Witness - Anthony Davis, British Assoc of...
The incidence of addressing PEM seems unexpectedly high (& maybe even more so in Norway). Recently there has been an small increase in clinics &...
Sam Ray-Chaudhuri, a Research Economist at IFS and an author of the report, said: "The government proposes moving to a system where being unable...
Of course, @JellyBabyKid. I'm glad I thought of something useful, because I can see from what you & others have written that I've missed points...
Thanks @Simbindi & @JellyBabyKid for such good work against these terrible proposals. I did respond to the consultation about a week ago. It...
Benefits and Work have put together a page showing all the proposed changes to benefits/WCA....
My partner went for his flu jab, but also got the Covid one, because of me! It's weird that I didn't get it, but I'm pleased for him. It may also...
I don't think people should take Benefits & Work's worst case wca test. It'd be too distressing & the comments includes people who have taken it &...
I wish you all the best, Josep. It's a nightmare. There was a whole lot more bad stuff yesterday. I'm not up to linking to it. I do wonder when...
The source they use for "work is good for you" is a paper by Gordon Waddell, associate of and co-author with Mansell Aylward. See Is work Good...
This is horrific. There is a consultation on this, but I can't find a date for end of submissions.
It's heads we win, tails you lose. Any & all personality types or traits they can shoehorn us into are signs of our wrongness, even if these are...
Yes, that's interesting, and shows that we can be exceeding our limits, even if we don't think we are. Several of them seem more severe than...
Apart from all the points highlighted by the excellent analysis here, I've always been intensely irritated by the fact that Question 11 - How is...
Thanks, Trish. I probably will mention the symptoms. They are nice at my GPs surgery, but in this case I think I'd prefer it if they fobbed me off...
I'm in a quandary at the moment. I have an upcoming GP appointment which I made up about a new rash. I don't know whether I should mention other...
At the most basic level, I was shocked at how many authorities ticked not applicable, as though the care of people with ME wasn't their...
Thanks, Andy.
i haven't read this properly yet so I'm maybe getting it wrong - but is subtyping based on the assumption that respondents don't have certain...
Separate names with a comma.