I've been listening to the video of the Michael Sharpe Swiss Re presentation on Long COVID, and there's a highly disconcerting exchange at the end...
Haven't read this one thoroughly yet, but attached a copy. Fascinating that the sEMG results in the CFS cohort were the opposite to those expected...
This does not seem to augur well for us, but I may yet be surprised. The draft guideline struck me very much as a closely fought compromise...
The Journal of a Disappointed Man wasn't Barbellion's only published diary: his diary of his final year of life (1918-1919) was published...
Now at 10 days post AZ vaccine. My parents had been vaccinated at our GP surgery & said it was well-organised & the rooms used were close to the...
The link is broken in the handbook, but it's section 6.3.2.
https://gdt.gradepro.org/app/handbook/handbook.html#h.33qgws879zw https://gdt.gradepro.org/app/handbook/handbook.html#h.qmsmbyw3yxsl
I suspect those inclined to the current approach will diagnose more pwME with fibromyalgia; the new NICE chronic pain draft gives them carte...
Busse and Guyatt's interest clearly goes beyond the application of GRADE - they were, in 2008, described in this paper as members of a "Medically...
There's some discussion of the current treatment of "long COVID" in one of the latest videos in the Royal Society of Medicine's COVID-19 series:...
The only thing I'd add is that, these days, if a GP - or even a consultant - isn't sure how to treat or refer, they'll often consult one of the...
An excellent review, @Michiel Tack. You cited Shorter's Feb 23 2015 blog on Psychology Today - you might be interested to know that that...
My first reaction was the same as that of yours, Prof. Edwards, but now I'm not so sure. We know that the development of ME/CFS can be dependent...
Re David Strain, there's a little more about his research interests in this article, from December, in the Biomedical Scientist:
If this is indicative of the general quality of BPSer submissions, then we have absolutely nothing to worry about. The listed author is Ingrid B....
From a quick skim: the advice on helping patients to manage their day-to-day lives with ME is generally very helpful indeed. The request for the...
This is from the Dorset "COVID-19 Rehabilitation" guide. I've been browsing through some other NHS hospitals' post/long-COVID patient advice...
Here's another early one, from Komaroff's contribution to the CIBA Conference in 1993: [ATTACH]
Unfortunately, that's exactly what they did:
In my own case, I experience PEM as being a state roughly akin to a severe flu (if one could experience flu denuded of fever and rhinorrhoea)...
Separate names with a comma.