We'd like to replicate something like this in our state of MN, USA - a visual, clinical trials demand - stressing no help/treatment. But we keep...
I assume this was already shared today? Any thoughts on this, @Ash? (or anyone else too) [MEDIA]
Appreciate all of this, @Ash So if I’m following right, do you think it would be most apt for an awareness message centered on something like...
I appreciate your input, @Ash. Where would you point to address this issue productively in this instance, if it was centered on “research funding...
Was just curious, did anyone catch Dr. Hwang's talk in Berlin, online anywhere? 'The World Mitochondria Society will host Targeting Mitochondria...
I get the goal of “give them a toolkit or place to go for constructive direction” but I’m wondering if it’s also not a net zero for even just...
I've been thinking about this too, just overall...where would you advise any awareness points to, @Ash? Not trying to be devil's advocate, just...
All it reduced, with my n=1 lived experience, was the baseline that I knew. The rhetoric that "but it keeps you alive" is such a sheer dismissal...
We were intentionally lied to about v's protecting transmission...? And now we're supposed to trust this same system with the v's and the...
Sharing from Jaime Seltzer, one of the co-authors from...
Sharing from a LC advocate, this billboard in Georgia (unsure of what city). Sharing as it sounds like other advocates are going to attempt to...
[if this was already shared, my apologies then] Quickly sharing this recent interview with Prof. Akiko Iwasaki, Sterling Professor of...
TY, @RedFox. Does Nat Geo have gift links or anything like WP, if someone wanted to read?
Anyone have Nat Geo access? "What is POTS? This strange disorder has doubled since the pandemic" "Millions of people now live with the...
I attended the webinar of "The New Wave of COVID: A Conversation with Dr. Ashish Jha" today hosted by USC Anneberg School of Journalism. Jha...
Totally get what you mean but to be fair now, it's on the medical journal to publish [most likely NJEM, is my hunch..] as NIH released the study...
Last note from Dr. Hwang "My lab is focused on continuing our experiments to get additional insights into WASF3 while also trying to translate...
Also quickly sharing Dr. Hwang’s reply to me today. I asked, “Do you think that Dr. Gibbons and NHLBI will support your pursuit for an...
Sharing with permission, a message by Dr. Hwang, @B_V. I thought it may be beneficial for visibility for the community to view: "I have received...
Just quickly sharing Dr. Hwang's reply after I forwarded my correspondence to NIH on his research. "Thank you very much for your support, Mr....
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