Just sharing this note from Dr. Whittemore today on the Intramural Study (not to be a nuisance). Just FYI @B_V "I just checked and they plan to...
Also coincides nicely with the 2023 cover feature story for Minnesota Physicians Magazine, "Long COVID | Facing a shadow pandemic" "The impacts...
Sharing a recent legislative hearing (3/21/23) in Minnesota, USA on a State Department of Health bill that includes a Long COVID budget proposal....
Sharing the free article version here too "Long-neglected chronic conditions finally come into the spotlight" https://archive.is/bbq8m
Thanks for this intel, @B_V. Is it okay if I share with MEAction or other ME patient areas?
Dr. Whittemore of the NINDS said this on 2/13/23 of the ME/CFS Intramural Study (fwiw): “I just checked and they are finalizing the figures and...
Unable to access, would be curious to read. New Scientist: "Long-neglected chronic conditions finally come into the spotlight" 'Growing evidence...
Posts moved from the Long Covid in the media thread Per Dr. Leonard Jason feature today from Newswise, it appears that there will be a ME/CFS...
Was curious if anyone has New Scientist access: 'We’re starting to understand how viruses trigger chronic conditions' 'Widespread cases of long...
Merged thread LC/ME Discussed on Jon Stewart On yesterday's episode of 'The Problem With Jon Stewart' Podcast. the plight of LC/ME + need from...
Hey all, Just sharing an outreach opportunity to the newly formed Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H - https://arpa-h.gov/)...
...what if people have the capacity to change, just curious?
Respect to all those who were able to pursue boosters. I was one in that ~10-20% range that suffered a vaccine injury from my 2nd Pfizer Dose...
Axios: "Biden clarifies comments declaring "pandemic over" 'President Biden on Tuesday addressed comments he made during a "60 Minutes" interview...
"Many experts contend that long COVID is best defined as a chronic-fatigue-syndrome-like condition that develops after COVID illness, similar to...
Proal is the Chief Scientific Officer for LCRI.
This vaccine situation has been a disaster all the way around. So many adverse reactions with little help to patients. So much trust dissipated...
FWIW, I have emailed Dr. Whittemore relating to this press appearance and know many in the community have done the same. I hope more will follow...
Separate names with a comma.