[MEDIA] Here's an awful opinion piece about the possible use of GET in LC. I can't possibly comprehend what compelled this person to lead in with...
The article is shockingly poor, but this little piece of research linked caught my eye:...
>Finally, because of the purely explorative approach, P values were not corrected for multiple testing, resulting in a less stringent statistical...
"Let's run a survey on pandemic burnout and add some questions about long COVID to make it look more relevant."
Now, now. We aren't going to prevent people from changing their beliefs in the face of better evidence and experience, are we? Nah just kidding....
This person is likely using "somatic" as shorthand for SSD, but I find it funnier to believe that they actually don't know what their own...
"In contrast, we know that graded exercise therapy is an effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (or ME), a clearly related condition....
>Finally, the study was designed to determine which biopsychosocial factors are associated with fatigue, but was not designed to identify causal...
I was making a point in favour of demarcating clinical constructs in absence of understood pathology via the clinical picture, but I also believe...
To be fair, this is the precise criticism I see medics make of ME *constantly.* Difference is, they don't know that ME has a distinct (generally...
[MEDIA] Like clockwork. Leave it to Robert Howard to demonstate his utter hypocrisy and resistance to learning whenever one of his cronies grants...
You must be referring to this study? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25640602/ So what he did was to take a group of 120 adolescents diagnosed...
Would anyone kindly refer me to this evidence that concluded the noninferiority of the Oxford criteria? Because all I find are studies stating the...
Oh God, that's awful. I do find it telling that it's always physicians who file these sorts of complaints, and never the patients themselves. That...
Decent article, although the words neuropsychiatry and rehab medicine trigger a visceral response in me. The authors have all been involved in...
This is some galaxy brain logic, considering that even in developed countries where ME is more commonly thematized, diagnosis is completely...
As an aside, is there any reason whatsoever to believe that clinical presentation and prevalence of ME differ between cultural and geographical...
Yes. My first thought was that they were grossly neglecting the possibility of perpetuating factors, such as secondary gains. Must be nice getting...
What I also found funny is how the statement that GRADE's emphasis is supposedly on "what is most important to patients", is juxtaposed by the...
I'm curious, is there any reason for concern that the cited 2020 Moustgaard study could still end up having a negative effect on the evidence...
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