Stakeholders will I understand be contacted tomorrow with news about additional appointments. I don't know what the content of the email will...
More news from NICE about other committee appointments expected tomorrow (Thurs. 8th November). Anyone working on, or sending, letters might want...
In theory, probably not in practice, the NHS specialist services should be seeing newly diagnosed patients. Therefore perhaps we need to think...
Hi, I haven't shared this podcast on the ME Association's social media because I felt we should at least try and listen to it first. Your...
Greetings and apologies for absence, but as Nellie has said above, it's proving very hard balancing work and the demands of M.E. Dr Shepherd has...
I really appreciate the help. Thank you :)
Morning, Sorry to butt-in to the conversation, but can anyone who attended the conference tell me if they saw a presentation from a physician in...
Sorry, but I can't help. I have barely had any time to visit this forum let alone answer any questions in recent weeks. I am sorry but I have...
Aside from the fact we have been so very busy getting the message out in national and local press, on BBC TV and BBC Radio, on ITV etc. etc. We...
What do you make of today's press release from the authors of the Synergy Trial:
Morning, ME Association blog:...
Credit goes to our new PR manager John Siddle. He's really got the right contacts with the press and we have been trying to get the severe case...
Just to be clear. The ME Association did not make this complaint, but we do support the findings. Out of interest, what would be the most basic...
Well done indeed. Could you point me to the information Healthwise provide on ME/CFS and CBT/GET please? I found their website rather confusing...
Here's the updated communication from Forward ME referred to in Suzy's post above and available on the Forward ME website: 9th April 2018:...
One thing was betahistine hydrochloride for the nausea and dizziness. I think he'd prescribed it for others with M.E. as well, although my...
He was the immunologist attached to the ME/CFS specialist service based in Truro. And patron of the local support group I was a trustee of for a...
Hi Suzy, Yes. I caught your exchange on LocalME and emailed a reply. So it should be part of that group discussion. Thanks for your emails to me...
We didn't actually hear from anyone who had experience of the inpatient service who was admitted with M.E. Here's the Facebook thread: [MEDIA]...
Dr Shepherd is being interviewed for the documentary tomorrow. I've seen nothing that is of concern. The producers came through us to recruit case...
Separate names with a comma.