Hi, The document from Dr Diane O'Leary released by ME Research UK is also up on the Forward ME Website in big red letters. I didn't see which...
Drug hoped to treat CFS causes impaired immune function, Griffith study says March 27, 2018 Reports that a drug used to treat autoimmune...
Some of the press that featured the PACE reanalysis story: And the latest:
No. It was published early this morning, both in the online edition (see link above) and in the print edition.
Not sure if this has been covered on this forum, but Forward ME has managed to get its letter published by The Times today: ME Association blog:
My thoughts about BACME were that the ME Association should join to see what was happening and try to influence from within. It's quite a 'closed...
The Press Release was written by Frontiers: It had an embargo until 10.00am this morning. The BBC were going to write about it and we had given...
The ME Association has been funding the biobank on its own for several years now. Initially there was joint funding but once it became established...
Thanks Trish. Slipped through my radar - little bugger. Corrected now :)
Talking of MEGA I was surprised there hadn't been a statement from the CMRC about it. The website is still up - but last updated early last year -...
Even from Australia! I'm impressed. Dr Shepherd's still wading through his stack of work and only just got to the announcement :)
http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ccah/news/2018/leadership-change.html Can I leave it with you guys to pass on the news to others (like David Tuller)?...
The article came from the Liverpool Echo and was posted today - which is Mothering Sunday in the UK. Sophie was one of a number of people with...
Looks like I was misinformed. Apparently, Prof. Mark J Edwards is NOT a member of the CMRC/Executive (Just had this confirmed). There is a Mark...
This was the 2015 ME Association report on the PEM study being undertaken by Prof. Mark J Edwards and Dr Neil Harrison - both CMRC members. It...
Prof. Chris Ponting will be deputy chair. The minutes confirm this - although as has been pointed out the initials should have been CPP for Chris...
Dr Shepherd has written an article for the GP Frontline magazine, and while I'm unsure of the publication date, it should be out soon (I'll find...
Well the transcript shows a good number of MPs, but I had a feeling I read a list of who attended here on Science4ME. Maybe on the original...
The comment from the Minister "In recognising the need for GPs to be aware of the condition, the Royal College of General Practitioners identified...
Separate names with a comma.