It's not just you. I had roughly similar issues. A few years ago I partly turned it around by being very strict with food intake, using a notebook...
My 2c is that the primary thing going on is enforced lack of exercise. Our body was built to move, and when it's unmoving for too long it...
Huh. The UK is definitely different than the US. IMO, Right and Left don't really have fixed meanings, beyond clothing, hairstyle and preferred...
No need for an apology. If the Thought Police show up, spray them with Brain Fog.
""People that are not me have concerns that I don't care for. Therefore their concerns are silly..." This is in no way my intent, and I do not...
Yes, I agree that qualities outside biology do have relevance, but there is a risk in giving them too much attention. For example, men are...
Thanks for the feedback. I guessed my post would rub some the wrong way, but it looks like the science-based people here understand. Gravity works...
I can't imagine why a mitochondrion, a cell, an artery or a nerve care about what amount of melanin one has in their skin. That they could...
Yes someone who was pushing it at the other site. I remember that thread and debating whether to get involved. It seemed like a whack head against...
But very profitable. The site owner made their fortune originally be designing email spam software.
Yeah, maybe it's the social media influence. Whenever I hear someone speaking about medicine quote Hippocrates, I hear ducks in the background ......
Merged thread This must have been posted elsewhere, but I didn't see it. The NIH (USA gov't agency which directs most health research in the...
Why would anyone who is genuinely attempting to research this disease use Fukuda?
If one starts in London and keeps going West, he will end in China. We know that no further travel is possible, as it is at the bottom of a hole...
It's the NY Times. Think 'intellectual substance of the Weekly World News, neuroticism of an Upper East Side New Yorker, both covered in a...
"My first sign I have overdone things is a sore throat and swollen glands." We're a motley group. I've never had that after doing overdoing thing....
How many other conditions have PEM, where day after is typically worse than day of, with day 3 showing further decline in the full condition?...
thanks for doing all that. Quacktastic misdirection like this gets me to something that would be anger if I had the energy, but I've given up on...
All of the "We found X about MECFS" state this as if there is one such disease. But it seems be in part a diagnosis, including such factors and...
I’m glad you made it back. Were I an employer in need of staff, I’d rank an honorable discharge well above a typical college degree. The overuse...
Separate names with a comma.