I recall reading that ECT used at a higher current/voltage is more effective, because it burns out areas of the brain. The same article (sorry,...
Agreed about the six minute walk test. It’s really like spitting on the patients; what useful life activity can you do by walking for six minutes?...
Politicians respect power, not ethics. Wrong currency. Today, when they attempt to be ethical they make things even worse, because they are...
Depends what we is meant by ‘training effect’. For aerobic exercise, “training effect” sounds like aerobic conditioning, meaning that your...
I don’t know why, but it seems that any advocacy that had its birth in social media or involve a hastag turn out to be shallow and a disservice to...
Hollywood is not in the reality business. Neither is the news media.
It’s not possible to include testing on people with every possible illness. In our case, vaccines in general are contraindicated, so you can’t...
Read the book, not the cover.
Snakes taste like chicken, but this gal sounds bitter.
Same thing, different day. A witch hunter is generally a witch, a crusader for social justice is generally antisocial and bent on creating...
That whole country is busy committing national suicide, this is just one of the markers. You did say you wanted speculation ;-)
This is interesting. I have read that the amount of microbes in a probiotic is very small compared to what is normally established in your system,...
Bankruptcies due to medical expenses are real but not common. There was a fake study promoted by a politician who had a particular agenda which...
We do have an overpriced, overly complicated, financially burdensome system, and you can be in a world of hurt due to medical costs. I am also...
It sounds like if NHS was better funded, one might have a choice of regular, super, and ultra versions of CBT and GET. Our system is getting worse...
I am so glad we do not have an NHS in my country. Yet.
This is self-limiting problem. Well before resources actually run out they will become more difficult to get, and then one way or another the...
Tired but wired is one of the more nightmare aspects of this disease. It is also a warning light on your dashboard; when that happens things are...
Get some more sleep, starting NOW. Nobody with ME should sleep <5 hours/day. While doing stuff, set a timer and force yourself to be horizontal...
Separate names with a comma.