And the words don’t describe what we’re experiencing, yet we use them because we’re too exhausted and have no other phrase ready. “Malaise”? No, I...
But other cold-like virii flame out during warm weather, one would expect this one to do likelwise. Speculations: If your country can keep it out...
That’s too many. Earth will tip over.* *for those outside the US, that’s a reference to our fine congressman Hank Johnson, who objected to...
Huh. Here in the USA I remember tea bags from single digit age as the ‘regular’ stuff, and discovered loose tea years later as the ‘fancy snooty...
Plastic tea bags? Using a new, non-digestible material to steep in boiling hot water and tannins, then consumed every morning, at least? Yeah,...
2% Or 98% survival, however you wanna look at it.
I will rarely utter a complimentary word about a Communist government, but China is acing this one. It is said that there are no public gatherings...
We don’t have hard numbers such as exist for a well-defined and diagnosed disease like, ohhh, Type I diabetes. We do have a range of estimates,...
I can think of one, with qualifications and based on N=1: It helps one sleep. That probably requires taking it intermittently. But anything which...
Oh, yeah. Had I the energy to write it, I have a three and a half decade story of this disease to bore y’all with.
“PWME may well not know exactly how things are in the present if they are pacing effectively.” There’s a substantial amount of significance in...
it seems that any new fix works for a little while. Take some vitamins, eat more, eat less, fiddle with hormones, all “work” for some increment of...
Dr. Enlander in the USA started using it years (decades?) ago.
OK, I gotta jump in with an anecdata, but one that I’ve experienced overandoverandover. It’s consistent and repeatable: Walking is like eating...
There’s been a push to effectively decriminalized that type of theft so in the unlikely event the perps are caught, they’ll be released, this time...
Nothing in life is 100% safe. One of the more common means of untimely death is falling in the bath, typically someone over 50, head hits...
anyone here w science background can interpret the paper? What significance does it have, and how much?
Start with some personal problems and perhaps mental illness. Government remedy: Add "remote", "computer" and "algorithm". When the results become...
Anecdata from myself: Absolutely not. I find the worst, longest lasting PEM has come from ‘harmless’ activities continued past the point where I...
Chuckle. Yes they are that for the most part. OTOH, some of the things I’ve found somewhat helpful are classified as supplements. They’d cost...
Separate names with a comma.