Sounds like something I get (at least on the hands) - and I don't have ME! Are the spots on the leg related to the hair follicles at all, perchance?
I notice that a couple of people have mentioned burping: is this something that's common with ME? My caree gets it when she's particularly...
I fear that depends on your location: mine told me they didn't get the funding to help with appeals :(
Thank you to everyone who's responded. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll ask her whether she's been checked for it recently. Looking at the...
Thank you, Blueskytoo. I'm afraid I don't do Facebook, which is obviously a major problem :(
I suppose this is probably the right place to post this: my caree, over the past few days, has been complaining of a prickling/tingling feeling in...
To add to my list of potentially useful sites: I hadn't thought to look there because I don't really regard ME as a disability as such, but the...
Well, after wearing myself out doing the ESA questionnaire, woudyabelieveit, we got a decision to continue as-is, no face-to-face, nothing!...
Oh dear, I'm so sorry :( Must admit, those "many avenues" don't appear to exist in my part of London :( I think I'd probably do better if I...
I suppose this is technically off-topic, but: for the past couple of weeks I've been unable to access (i.e. post on) the Benefits & Work forum. I...
Coming to this rather late, I'm afraid, but ... You *have* to register as self-employed within 3 months of starting being freelance (I think it...
The BBC is reporting that pregabalin is being reclassified as a Class C drug - I'm not too sure what implication that has for people on here:...
Well, to be fair, I guess the ESA dept. and the PIP dept. probably don't cross-reference when they do stuff, and the PIP should have been way...
Unbelievable. Literally no sooner do I get shot of this appeal than a Capability for Work questionnaire arrives on the doormat. You couldn't...
There's been some coverage of the Miley v. Friends Life case on here, I see, but this appears to have slipped through the net:...
This is very confusing: when I click on the original link, I only get a 1-page document. When I go to the website I get 2 pages. Yet the...
Well, I've got that out of the way for now, so here are some tips and recommendations from me: Government's own guide to benefit appeals is quite...
Thank you everyone for your support thus far. I may come back and pick up on individual bits of your posts when I'm not supposed to be working...
Less than 24 hours of being registered as a member, and I've already been awarded a Trophy! Anyway, that wasn't why I signed up: I joined here to...
Just caught it repeated on BBC News channel. It includes the following: Nearly ¾ of claimants win their cases on appeal A patient with MS got 0...
Separate names with a comma.