Hallelujah. How many weeks ago was it that I read about the anecdotal evidence about anosmia in, I think, the Washington Post? Feels like a...
Thanks. Just done this technically late, but it's gone through.
And this is how the UK govt. wants us to avoid a second spike in cases :( Can't believe so many people upped and went back to work just on their...
Pretty much the same as my Sainsbury's delivery the other day: designed to fill in the holes for things we were running out of so that I didn't...
I've noticed my bank tends to pay me late rather than early now if there's a bank holiday in the way - and since I'm the one paying me I can't...
More likely not, I'd have thought - greater sensitivity to smell is frequently an accompaniment to migraines, I find.
I've only just spotted this: apparently it was in last week's newsletter, so probably everyone else has already taken advantage of it, but still...
:jawdrop::arghh: I knew it was bad, but ...
Yes, I usually find that Sainsbury's milk will still be drinkable up to its use-by date, even if the label tells you to use it within 3 days. The...
My caree normally finds she has to rest mid-afternoon in order to be able to get through the rest of the day - I thought this was quite common in...
That is scary. Someone I know lost her sister, who I'd guess would be late 30s/early 40s recently unexpectedly to a stroke, but she also tested...
Yes, that occurred to me in the wee hours of the morning, when I was lying there unable to sleep. I think I can probably remember how to do them...
Well, that's vaguely what I've been wondering for weeks. If, as recommended, I were to bag it immediately after wearing, but then leave it for,...
So, I went to my sewing box this evening to see what fabric I had - very little, it turns out, as I think most of it is in storage. The only...
Not sure a) whether this is the best thread and b) whether this has already been posted, but it seemed useful (people's concerns about bringing...
Wondering if breathing on them before you put them on works in this case - I think it's recommended for swimming goggles.
Yes, I can't understand it either. Yet again, the egg shelves in Sainsbury's were empty. I walked 2.5 miles to Waitrose today, to come away with...
Not sure whether this adds anything new?...
I just don't understand why people won't leave messages - especially when you've given them your phone number with a note that the answerphone is...
And I think the gastric symptoms extend beyond diarrhoea, don't they? Something else which seems to have got filtered out en route from China.
Separate names with a comma.