Good old LSHTM :)
Oops, no, definitely not! And anyway, how much protection would a knitted balaclava be? Not much, I'd guess, given the size of the stitches.
No, but my pharmacy was selling some sort of salt inhaler, I think it was, (does that make sense?) which was supposedly good for allergies and so on.
I wasn't thinking about the current situation, but more generally. You're saying they're not useful generally either?
Wish I'd known more about all these supplements: this is just the sort of thing you don't tend to hear about on the NHS.
Some notes from the Klimas video, in the hope that it will help you be selective if you can't listen to it all. NB: I don't guarantee that any of...
Excellent - thank you so much.
This is why I get increasingly concerned at the suggestion we should move onto solely electricity for our power and heating needs ...
L-carnitine can cause stomach upsets, I believe?
And there I was thinking the header referred to the number of benefits tribunals they'd lost ... :(
I thought I'd seen something (here?) about a Japanese woman who'd caught it a second time? Possibly because the virus had mutated?
Although we keep being told that a tribunal will warn you if you stand to lose (some of) your existing award, and ask if you still want to continue.
It is, but if they've got as far as filing a patent application, then surely they've done quite a bit of research beforehand?
There used to be a website, called maybe DoNotLink?, which would allow you to access sites such as the Daily Mail where you might not want to give...
Don't think this one has been linked to, but I found it interesting.
Re duvet covers, have you discovered the trick: 1. Have cover inside-out. 2. Stick both arms into cover and grab each of the far corners with one...
I don't know whether they still make them, but somewhere I have a rubbery/plasticky "triangular cylinder" is the best way I can describe it, which...
What about testing donated jigsaws for charity shops? Or is there too much time pressure? Some places apparently just count the pieces, but...
My sister has some cloth things with strips of copper interwoven for cleaning scale - she's quite impressed with them, but maybe they might...
My understanding is that even "full-time" GPs have a day off a week for study (and no, I'm not having a go at the definition of "full-time" - GPs...
Separate names with a comma.