They seem to understand a great deal, which is good. I've still got concerns about talk of rehabilitation, though, at whatever pace and with...
I can actually see a use for a measure. Keeping a score from week to week might help more recently diagnosed people work out whether they're on an...
For me at least, it's the wrong time interval too. The vast majority of my variation is day to day, not fortnight to fortnight.
I don't know anything about the subject, but I'm sorry to hear about your mum-in-law. I hope she makes a good recovery.
I agree—it won't be viewed as egregious enough to engage misconduct procedures or funding withdrawals. The best approach is to do what people are...
I'm not even sure there's proper justification for putting 66 people through this procedure (or a mockup of it) as part of a trial. Filtering...
Yes, mine's always been the same too. Oddly, the severity of PEM symptoms doesn't change nearly as much as the threshold for triggering them.
Oh for heaven's sake. Propellor-driven fighter aircraft were validated in two world wars, but it doesn't mean we still have to use them.
Guess that doesn't matter, if you can get more grants to try.
I see that point entirely. But it also works to invalidates the thing, because if they're not measuring PEM they're not measuring ME.
Time's ripe for another BPS empire. Still, it seems harder to bring US scientists to heel than in parts of Europe. Even if that does mean more...
I think they might even have muddled three different things: fatigue (subjective symptom), fatiguability (early failure), and incapacity (activity...
I bet Susie Dent could come up with some corkers. If I had an account, I might even ask her! She's on Twix as @susie_dent, for anyone who...
I'd have preferred "criticisms of the guideline discussed in this paper are balderdash", but it's still good to read!
I think it is. And far from being a retreat from their previous position, which people have speculated, I see it as a way to legitimise GET by...
That's a key question, and with relatively new techniques it's often the case that no one can answer it with much authority (although some might...
Whereas it's more like my neighbour's toddler grandson. When shown his favouritest soft toy, she said "Oh, you've got a green dragon!". He then...
That was Paul Garner, who said he developed ME after Covid and then recovered from it very quickly. He said he did things that led to his...
Like powerchairs, I guess. A really solid, capable new chair is north of £7K, but if it's what you need to be able to get out and do the things...
I can't balance on a bike either since my ME got worse, but in my case the ability to focus on the road isn't so much to do with balance—it's more...
Separate names with a comma.