It sounds much more sinister than that to me, especially for people who depend on welfare for all of their income. Clinicians can write anything...
Yes, I wonder if it might be worth having a go at editing existing documents, and pointing up the areas that are problematic, lack evidence, etc....
But you wouldn't begin with a phase 3 trial, surely? Groups usually start with phase 1 or 2 trials, with smallish cohorts. If the results looked...
Yep! But I do wish someone would look at how to design apps to leverage the technology in consumer wearables specifically for Long Covid and ME. I...
I'd be quite prepared to write Is This For Real? in some of them. Obviously I'd put in something exceptionally rude first, but in the interest of...
As @Peter Trewhitt said in another thread (which I can't seem to find), there's the complication that recently diagnosed people may genuinely...
I can't quote him exactly, but he mentioned starting with well-characterised patients with no potentially confounding diagnoses. From what I...
I think most sedative drugs can depress breathing. Your pharmacist would know more? I can't remember having anything like this connected to ME...
That would seem to be the big "if".
I wish they'd tell us what bodily systems are dysregulated... ...and how they know this is happening, especially given that they don't appear...
Hope the treatment goes as well as it can, Joan. However ropey it can be at times, there is at least an end date.
You'd keep both, I guess. But for someone who has ME/CFS symptoms that can be linked to Covid, I don't see why a qualified ME/CFS diagnosis...
I can see there may be an argument for this too, but I don't understand resistance to a single diagnosis of Covid-associated ME/CFS (or similar)....
It doesn't justify information about pwME being recorded via PROMs either. At review, patients should be allowed to focus on whatever is their...
That's a very particular way to present "people who recovered quickly didn't go to the doctor's".
This looks eerily like the 1960s/70s. If women complained too much, they were prescribed tranquillisers. I was given them for ME, my mother was...
A very nice chap at one of the call centres (always cheers me up if I'm switched through to Preston, they seem to have some particularly helpful...
Me neither until it developed into actual incontinence, at which point they had to rule out bowel cancer. They seemed to regard really disruptive...
That was the doctor's diagnosis, both before and after the intolerances were discovered, so yes—for better or worse, it's the term I use. People...
For some people there are causes, it's just difficult to work them out. My IBS started almost overnight, but it turned out it was driven by losing...
Separate names with a comma.