I was in touch with my MP last week during all those awful features. He committed to talking to Carol. ETA: am crashed and may disappear.
A few minutes ago, Carol Monaghan asked a question in the House about children ( with ME) being removed from loving families . I didn’t get the...
I am awaiting a genetics referral, made by an NHS Consultant lymphologist who postulated that my health conditions of ME, lymphadema,...
Absolutely agree. Great letter and great statement. Thank you #MEAction.
Thanks @Andy for continuing to plug on MEA’s fb page with so little response. There are very reasoned comments there including from Merryn...
I feel exactly the same way @Andy. I went onto the MEA fb page yesterday evening as I’m a member, to leave a comment about their lack of...
Thanks @JaimeS. I’m off too, to be continued. Hope you feel revived!! soon.
I really can’t agree with this @Esther12. It is not reasonable to generalise to a whole population on the basis of one tweet. I think we should...
Thanks @Trish and @Stewart Posted below is my answer to George Monbiot. Posted in Mr B’s name which attached itself automatically because he is...
Mine has not been posted either. I went back to capture it to post here. There still seems to be some activity under George Monbiot’s comment....
@Trish and all I have just responded- had not seen yours. It’s gone in the name of Mr B who has the account. My name is at the bottom. Quick...
Have upvoted the sensible replies. George Monbiot has asked “Why would people who are sick attack medical researchers investigating their...
Thank you @JohnTheJack. It’s hard work to persevere so diligently. I am enormously grateful to you for doing this.
https://www.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/news/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/11/annual-research-forum-speakers.pdf Page three of the above document...
There was a short report on BBC lunchtime TV news today by a reporter (Adrian ??- radio 5) talking about FII. He explained what it is, and named...
So now they are aligning Tovey leaving ( end of May) and the (next) date for the review amendment. Significance? It is a disgraceful failure to...
Cruel, utterly cruel.
@Jonathan Edwards Charles Shepherd doesn’t have a vote, does he? Nor Jonathan Edwards. So we are two down there if voting is a part of this...
Once a doctor has done no harm, then surely the next priority ethically should be to relieve suffering? My level of OI is now so severe that I...
Some more information about the Sutton CFS service...
Separate names with a comma.