I think that’s likely to be a red herring.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m sorry the impact lasted such a long time.
If you’re too sick it isn’t a preference it is the only option available.
That’s normal practice to be fair when you’re getting a lot of correspondence on the same topic, a good sign that many are writing in.
Nath response wording also posted on the letter thread...
Thanks for the summary @Simon M & thanks all those digging into the details
Wow that is positive. I think/hope a lot of PWME using the opportunity to share info with healthies.
Sorry I forgot to look at the pack when upstairs I will try to remember to check this evening.
I have a larger face and that results in a pretty good fit for ffp2 even with ear loops (which I prefer)
We should put these guys in a room with the Polish team that use cold therapy.
A reminder this thread is for social media and general media items about people in the United Kingdom with both ME/CFS and severe problems in...
Does it cover her conflicts of interest? - presuming this is “research” as marketing
Functional capacity is the outcome of PEM
Moderation post in view of the comments about the information on Millie no longer being accurate we are reviewing posts made. Please consider...
The wording was not as clear cut as yours. May not be particularly effective (or something on those lines) was what registered with me which...
Thanks @Joan Crawford ive added Chester to the signatory list.
Had to search the blurb to find the date reasonable timeframe- 30 April
Hi @Joan Crawford. We did contact a lot of UK groups through ME Local which is included in signatory list not sure if that includes Chester?...
AFME looking for up to 3 Trustees...
Separate names with a comma.